Vancouver Summer Junior Golf Intensive Training Camp 温哥华青少年高尔夫强化训练夏令营

Vancouver Summer Camp

7 year old George came from China for summer holiday.  He registered for our 1 week junior golf intensive training camp, below is his training highlights.  He had lot of fun, got great improvement and won the 2nd place when he came back to China. He said would be joining us again next year.

7岁的乔治从中国来度暑假。 他报名参加了我们为期1周的青少年高尔夫强化训练营,以上是他的训练亮点。 他玩得很开心,进步很大,回到中国后获得了第二名。 他说明年会再来参加我们的夏令营。

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