China Exchange Students Vancouver Junior Golf Summer Camp 中国游学交换生儿童青少年高尔夫球夏令营

We’re very proud and honoured to have hosted a great group of exchange students from China to join our junior golf training program.  During these 2 months, everyone has enjoyed the program very much and successfully completed our beginner golf program Level 1. The curriculum included golf etiquette, stance, gripping, putting, chipping, swinging and a golf course 9 hole playing experience.  We would like to express our gratitude to all who made this happen, such as schools, friends, teachers, coaches and students for their support and cooperation. We look forward to the next golf camp.中国游学交换生高尔夫球夏令营

我们非常荣幸能够邀请来自中国的一群优秀游学交换生加入我们的青少年高尔夫球训练课程。 在这两个月里,每个人都非常喜欢这个课程项目,成功地完成了我们的初级高尔夫球课程一级课程。课程包括高尔夫礼仪,站姿,握杆,切杆,推杆,挥杆,和高尔夫球场9洞打球体验。 我们要感谢所有参与这次活动的人,包括学校,朋友,老师,教练和学生的支持与合作。 我们期待下一个高尔夫夏令营的相聚。

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