Data Collection
Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s undertakes to collect Your Data by means that are far, legal and transparent.
If you visit MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s web-site, your web-browser automatically discloses, and MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s web-server automatically logs, the following information: the date and time, the IP address from which you issued the request, the type of browser and operating system you are using, the URL of any page that referred you to the page, the URL you requested, and whether your request was successful. This data may or may not be sufficient to identify you. Further, additional data that is provided may be logged if provided via a web form. Such data may or may not be sufficient to identify you.
Any and all additional data that your web-browser automatically provides may also be logged. This will be the case, for example, if your browser has previously been requested to store data on your computer in ‘cookies’ and submits them each time you request a web-page within a particular domain (such as MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ This data may or may not be sufficient to identify you.
If you disclose personal data to Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM in conjunction with an identifier such as your name or your contact details (such as your e-mail address), MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM will collect Your Data. Moreover, any data that becomes available to MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM through any of the means described in the preceding paragraphs may be able to be associated with that identifier, and hence become Your Data.
Subject to the qualifications immediately below, MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to collect Your Data from you and not from other parties. This undertaking is qualified as follows:
- Where MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM reasonably considers that the protection of its financial interests requires that it gather Your Data from other sources, or from additional sources. This applies in particular where MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM has a lending exposure to you, and seeks information about your creditworthiness;
- Where MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM reasonably considers that its capability to deliver quality services to you will be materially enhanced by gathering Your Data from other sources. This applies in particular to consumer profile data.
Where Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM collects Your Data from sources other than you, it undertakes:
- To do so only by legal means;
- To do so only with your Consent; and
- To declare to you what sources it uses, and under what circumstances.
Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to declare the purpose of collection in a manner which is clear and meaningful, and to avoid vague, highly inclusive statements such as ‘to support our operations’.
Data Security
- undertakes to storeYour Data in a manner that ensures security against unauthorized access, alteration or deletion, at a level commensurate with its sensitivity.
- undertakes to store Your Data only in jurisdictionswhere data protections are at least equivalent to those required under the OECD Guidelines.
- undertakes to transmitYour Data in a manner that ensures security against unauthorized access, alteration or deletion, at a level commensurate with its sensitivity.
- undertakes to implement appropriate measures to ensure security of Your Data against inappropriate behavior by MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s staff-members and contractors. These include:
- Training for staff in relation to privacy;
- Access control, to limit access to Your Data to those staff and contractors who have legitimate reasons to access it;
- Particularly in the case of sensitive data, audit trails of accesses, including the identities of staff and contractors accessing the data;
- Reminders to staff and contractors from time to time about the importance of data privacy, and the consequences of inappropriate behavior;
- Declaration of appropriately strong sanctions that are to be applied in the event of inappropriate behavior
- Clear communication of policies and sanctions; and
- Processes to audit, to investigate and to impose sanctions.
Data Use
Use refers to the application of Your Data by any part of MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM, or any staff-member or contractor of MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM in the course of their work.
Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to use Your Data only for:
- The purposes for which it was collected;
- Such other purposes as are subsequently agreedbetween MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM and You;
- Such additional purposes as may be required by law. In these circumstances, Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM will take any reasonable steps available to it to communicate to You that the use has occurred, unless it is precluded from doing so by law; and
- Such additional purposes as are authorized by law(in particular to protect Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s interests, e.g. if it believes on reasonable grounds that You have failed to fulfill your undertakings to Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM or have committed a breach of the criminal law).
Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to use Your Data only if it has demonstrable relevance to the particular use to which it is being put.
Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to use Your Data in such a manner as to take into account the possibility that it is not of sufficient quality for the purpose, e.g. because it is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, or out-of-context.
Data Disclosure
Disclosure refers to making Your Data available to any party other than Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM and You. The term disclosure may include many different conditions of data transfer, including renting, trading, and sharing.
Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to disclose Your Data only under the following circumstances:
- In the course of business being conducted between You and Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM, where disclosure is necessary to a contractor, such as payment processors like PayPal and transportation companies. Where Your Data is disclosed in this way, MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to exercise control over MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s contractors to ensure that their actions are compliant with these Terms;
- In other circumstances that are directly implied by the purpose agreed between You and Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COMat the time of data collection or subsequently. Where Your Data is disclosed in this way, Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to exercise control over Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s contractors to ensure that their actions are compliant with these Terms;
- With your consent, or at your request;
- Where required by law, such as a provision of a statute, or a court order such as a search warrant or subpoena. In these circumstances, MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM will take any reasonable steps available to it to communicate to You that the disclosure has occurred, unless it is precluded from doing so by law;
- Where permitted by law(e.g. the reporting of suspected breach of the criminal law to a law enforcement agency; and in an emergency, where Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM believes on reasonable grounds that the disclosure of Your Data will materially assist in the protection of the life of health of some person), provided that Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM will apply due diligence to ensure that the exercise of the permission is justifiable.
In all cases, Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to disclose only such of Your Data as is necessary in the particular circumstances.
Data Retention and Destruction
Subject to the qualifications immediately below, Matt Daniel Elite Golf Academy \ MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes:
- To retainYour Data only as long as is consistent with its purpose; and
- To destroyYour Data when its purpose has expired, and to do so in such a manner that Your Data is not subsequently capable of being recovered.
This undertaking is qualified as follows:
- Your Data may be retained in MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s logs, backups and audit trailswithin short-term retention cycles that are devised to protect the company’s operations. In such cases, Your Data will be destroyed in accordance with those cycles;
- Your Data may be retained beyond the expiry of its purpose if that is required by law, such as a provision of a statute, or a court order such as a search warrant or subpoena, or a warning by a law enforcement agency that delivery of a court order is imminent. In these circumstances MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM:
- Will take any reasonable steps available to it to communicate to You that Your Data is being retained, unless it is precluded from doing so by law; and
- Will only retain Your Data while that provision is current, and will then destroy Your Data;
- MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM follows all of the existing Google’s Remarketing Privacy Guidelines, Policies, and Restrictions.
- MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM uses Analytics data and the DoubleClick cookie to serve ads based on your prior visits to MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \
- You may opt out of the DoubleClick cookie by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page or you may opt out of Google Analytics by visiting the Google Analytics Opt-out page.
- Your Data may be retained beyond the expiry of its purpose if it is authorized by law(in particular to protect MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s interests, e.g. if it believes on reasonable grounds that You have failed to fulfill your undertakings to MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM or have committed a breach of the criminal law). In these circumstances, MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM will only retain Your Data while that situation is current and will then destroy Your Data.
Access by You to Your Personal Data
MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to provide you with access to Your Data, subject to only such conditions and processes as are reasonable in the circumstances. In particular, MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to enable access:
- Conveniently
- Without unreasonable delay
- Without cost
MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to establish and operate identity authentication protections for access to Your Data that are appropriate to its sensitivity, but practical. This may involve some inconvenience; for example, relatively straightforward procedures may be involved in order to provide you with access through a channel that you have previously registered with MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM (such as a particular email-address), but may impose more onerous procedures if you wish to use some other channel.
In the event that you dispute some aspect of Your Data, MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to take reasonable steps in relation to the amendment, supplementation or deletion of Your Data.
You undertake:
- Not to seek access for frivolous purposes, or unreasonably frequently;
- To accept that deletion of some data may not be consistent with the provision of particular services by MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM to you.
Information about Data-Handling Practices
MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to make information available to you about the manner in which MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM handles your data:
- In general terms, in a readily accessible manner
- In more specific terms, on request
Where Your Data is disclosed to a contractor, MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to make information available to you on request about the manner in which MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s contractors handle your data.
MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM undertakes to ensure that the information provided is meaningful and addresses your concerns.
You undertake:
- Not to seek such information for frivolous purposes, or unreasonably frequently
- To accept that the disclosure of excessive detail may harm the security of Your Data and MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s business processes, and may harm MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s commercial interests.
Handling of Enquiries, General Concerns and Complaints
If you have enquiries, general concerns, or complaints about these Terms, or about MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s behavior in relation to these Terms, you undertake:
To communicate them in the first instance:
- In sufficient detail
- Through a channel made available by MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM for that purpose
- To provide one or more channels for communicationsto MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM, which are convenient to users
- To promptly provide acknowledgementof the receipt of communications, including the provision of a copy of the communication, the date and time it was registered, and MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM’s reference-code for the communication;
- To promptly provide a responseto the communication, in an appropriate and meaningful manner.
You further undertake to not pursue MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM through any Regulator or the media:
- Until and unless MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM has had a reasonable opportunity to respond to the initial communication; and
- While MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM and you remain are conducting a meaningful dialogue about the matter.
MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM declares that its undertakings in these Terms are intended to create legal obligations, and that those obligations are intended to be enforceable under appropriate laws in appropriate jurisdictions. These include laws relating to data protection, privacy, fair trading, corporations and criminal laws.
You undertake to seek enforcement only in a jurisdiction that is relevant to the transactions that have taken place between You and MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM, in particular the jurisdiction in which you live or in which you performed the relevant acts, and the jurisdiction in which MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM is domiciled or performed the relevant acts.
Changes to These Privacy Undertakings
- Not to materially change these Terms in a manner that reduces the protections for Your Data;
- To take all possible steps to prevent any company that acquires this company or any of its relevant assets from materially changing the Terms applicable to Your Data in a manner that reduces the protections for Your Data;
- Where it is considering making changes to these Terms, or creating more specific Terms relating to specific services, to consult with appropriate representative and advocacy organizations;
- Where it makes changes to these Terms, to ensure that the differences between successive versions are readily accessible;
- To maintain all prior versions of these Terms in such a manner that they are dated, and readily accessible.
Your Data means data that is capable of being associated with you, whether or not it includes an explicit identifier such as your name or customer number. In particular, it encompasses all data that MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM is capable of correlating with you, using such means as server-logs and cookie-contents.
Your Data does not refer to data that can no longer be associated with you. This includes aggregated data that does not and cannot identify the individuals whose data are included in the aggregation.
Consent means your concurrence with an action to be taken by MATT DANIEL ELITE GOLF ACADEMY \ PLAYLIKEAGOLFPRO.COM. Consent may be express or implicit, but in either case must be informed and freely-given.
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